計畫已久的蘭嶼之旅... 嗯,果然很夢幻。
Last August, my friends Yu-Ling, Chun-Jung and I -- after a period of planning and dozens of terrified "there is no seat available" moments -- finally commenced our trip to Lanyu, an offshore island of Taiwan in the Pacific Ocean. As fate would have it, the weather turned out to be very cloudy (and showery at times) which somehow was against our primary expectations, but turned out to be just the right weather as bright days would probably have led to us cannonballing down the Lanyu jetty.
Ready, set, go!
Traditional Tao patterns in our room.
Sweating under the rain coats.
至於島上的天氣,原本心裡已準備好即將被曬死的我們,居然被舒適的陰天和清風迎接!而更令我們驚訝的是,民宿的老闆娘還跟我們說,這其實算好天氣,因為烈日當空的蘭嶼真的不是在跟你開玩笑的... 好吧,既然如此,那我們也就只好接受了吧!
The pace of Lanyu -- probably quite abstract for people living in metropolitan areas -- was even more pleasing and relaxing. I remember that one day we sat in the traditional pavillions, gazing into the waves of the Pacific Ocean, whist listening to Sleep Sound and enjoying the refreshing sea breeze.
Lanyu for sure is a place that touches your heart. Its raw and primitive landscape combined with its unique Tao culture made us seeing another side of Taiwan.
Despite being quite small and not too easy to access, the island offers a wide range of scenery, traditional foods and activities, like hiking, diving and canoeing. But as wonderful and dreamy our trip to Lanyu was, we also realized how privileged we as tourists were to being able to experience the perks of the island life, while knowing that for many natives, seeking a living is mostly determined by tourism or moving to the mainland of Taiwan for work.
Number 1 Hot Spot: Lanyu weather station!! Lol
Nest of the snakes.
View from our pavilion with traditional Tao architecture.
I think its this way!
「人之島」(ponso no tao), 這座美妙島嶼的原名其實意味著達悟族人與他們家鄉之間的深厚感情。對於他們來說,蘭嶼就是他們的小世界,而他們就是這小世界的人民,也就是一種微觀世界、民以島為中心的概念。
Ponso no Tao, "the island of the people" is the original name of Lanyu.
It somehow resembles the little, illusionary microcosm that you enter when visiting the island; for the natives the island is the center of their world, and the world is the island itself.
To Stay 住宿
蘭嶼262民宿 (野銀部落)
Transport 交通
德安航空一天有好幾班,而且一下下就到了。船的話也有,票也相對也比腳好搶,但太平洋的浪真的很可怕 (嗚 。
Daily Air offers daily flights to Lanyu from Taitung, which is more quick and bears no risk of seasickness...
While on Lanyu, I recommend renting a scooter. But beware of slippery roads!
Food 飲食
芋頭+飛魚 = 天堂
Make sure to get your hands on "Flying Fish" and Taro Ice Cream. Omg.
Advises 小叮嚀
When in Lanyu remember to bring your own garbage back to Taiwan, as Lanyu's waste facilities run short in capacity.
Sunscreen may cause ocean pollution, therefore make sure to watch check the ingredients before applying.
蘭嶼 ・Orchid Island
107.08.17 - 107.08.20
Photos taken with Gudak Cam on iPhone SE
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