Monday, April 06, 2015

Night Time, My Time

I won't call it a productive week and I won't make amends for literally having done nothing. Since I finished writing the final sentence of my last exam last thursday, there has simply been no limit of unproductveness. All the things I have planned for the Easter holidays, like tidying up, reading, catching up with my favourite TV shows (for which I have a buffer of 5 episodes each) have not even once been pursued. 
Well, I don`t even understand how this is possible: I get up at 8:30 in the morning (force of habit I guess) and from then on my day seems like floating past me. I either lie in bed doing nothing or drive around town doing anything and everything but the things I have planed. It seems like an allergic reaction towards the books I wanted to read or the TV shows I formerly hyped has evolved as everytime I decide to watch them, I come up with a poor excuse  (being tired/hungry) and end up doing nothing. 

The only thing that has more or less gone according to plan was going out and dance the hell out of me.  I somehow managed to mobilize all my energies (despite usually being tired 24/7) and went out for three consecutive nights the past weekend (note: Team"dancing until sunrise is only possible around June 21th"). Somehow the sleep deprivation still has its long-term effects on me and I kind of aquired a liking for this unproductive lifestyle which is why I will probably continue just like this for several more days , but I need to pull myself together now and start to find my way back to life...wish me luck!

This is a playlist with songs I really love to dance to. Most of the songs can be counted to future
house. Enjoy and tell me what you think!

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